Our Sanderson Gulch Channel Improvements project in the Ruby Hill area of Denver has been nominated for CASFM’s 2020 Engineering Excellence Award! The project site went from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan and the benefits to the community are amazing. During construction we dealt with site contamination mitigation and installed a box culvert under railroad tracks in the dead of winter during a snow storm in 96 hours, but it was all worth it to alleviate the frequent flooding in the area. In the end, over 107 parcels and 102 structures were removed from the FEMA regulatory floodplain, the new unconventional channel and box culvert system now safely conveys the 100-year storm flows, and a new trail connection through the area with strategic landscaping allows for safe pedestrian travel that didn’t exist prior to this project’s completion. Thanks to the City and County of Denver and the Mile High Flood District for funding this important project for our City!
“A very complicated ultra-urban situation where resurfacing the creek was not fully possible but you made it into the best HFLM stream it could possibly be. Keep up the great work!” - Ken MacKenzie, Executive Director, MHFD
(Photo by Scott Dressel-Martin)