For this study, a new hydrologic model was prepared for the Town of Lyons. This purpose of this model was to develop updated hydrology for the 2-, 5-, 10-, 50-, and 100-year storm frequencies for both existing and future imperviousness.
UDFCD's Colorado Urban Hydrograph Procedure (CUHP) was used to develop runoff hydrographs for each sub-basin in the study.
Click on the sub-basin labels to view hydrographs.
One very important note about the hydraulic data displayed on this map: the inundation areas and associated at-risk structures are not representative or derived from the FEMA regulatory 100-year floodplain.
The hydraulic data on this map represents flooding from localized runoff and in no way affects any property owner's regulatory floodplain status.
Click on the letters for a brief description of each alternative. More detailed information can be found in Section 6.7 of the report.